class Openwsman::XmlNode

XmlNode is a node inside the XML document tree.

A node has

Public Instance Methods

add(p1) click to toggle source

add child (namespace, name, text) to node

WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") → XmlAttr click to toggle source

add attribute to node

WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

attr_count → Integer click to toggle source

count node attribute

int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

attr_find("namespace", "name") → XmlAttr click to toggle source

find node attribute by name

WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

child → XmlNode click to toggle source

get first child of node

WsXmlNodeH child() {
    return xml_parser_get_first_child($self);
   * get name for node
   * call-seq:
   * -> String
  char *name() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_local_name( $self );

  %rename("name=") set_name( const char *name);

   * set name of node
   * call-seq:
   * = String
  void set_name( const char *name ) {
    ws_xml_set_node_name( $self, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self ), name );
   * get namespace for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns -> String
  char *ns() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self );

  %rename("ns=") set_ns( const char *nsuri );

   * set namespace of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns = String
  void set_ns( const char *ns ) {
    ws_xml_set_ns( $self, ns, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self) );

   * get prefix of nodes namespace
   * call-seq:
   *  node.prefix -> String
  const char *prefix() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self);

  %rename("lang=") set_lang(const char *lang);

   * set language
   * call-seq:
   *  node.lang = String
  void set_lang(const char *lang) {
    ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);

   * find node within tree
   * a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
   * call-seq:
   *  node.find("namespace", "name") -> XmlNode # recursive
   *  node.find("namespace", "name", 0) -> XmlNode # non-recursive
  WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
    return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
   * iterate over siblings
   * finds next sibling with same namespace and name
   * See also XmlNode#each
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * Example:
   *    <Foo>
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Other>...
   *      <Other>...
   *    </Foo>
   * node = root.Foo # points to <Foo> node
   *   bar = node.Bar
   *   while bar do
   *     bar =
   *   end
   * will give you four iterations (all <Bar> nodes)
   *   child = node.Bar
   *   while child do
   *     child =
   *   end
   * will give you six iterations (all children of <Foo>)
   * The latter example is equal to
   *   node.each do |child|
   *     ...
   *   end
  WsXmlNodeH next(int all = 0) {
    WsXmlNodeH next_node = xml_parser_get_next_child($self);
    if (next_node && !all) {
      const char *ns_uri = ws_xml_get_node_name_ns($self);
      const char *name = ws_xml_get_node_local_name($self);
      if (ws_xml_is_node_qname(next_node, ns_uri, name) == 0) {
        next_node = NULL;
    return next_node;
   * count node children
   * if name given, count children with this name
   * if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
  int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
   * add child (namespace, name, text) to node
  WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

doc → XmlDoc click to toggle source

get XmlDoc to which node belongs

WsXmlDocH doc() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_doc( $self );
   * get parent for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.parent -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH parent() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_parent( $self );

  %alias child "first";

   * get first child of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.child -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH child() {
    return xml_parser_get_first_child($self);
   * get name for node
   * call-seq:
   * -> String
  char *name() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_local_name( $self );

  %rename("name=") set_name( const char *name);

   * set name of node
   * call-seq:
   * = String
  void set_name( const char *name ) {
    ws_xml_set_node_name( $self, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self ), name );
   * get namespace for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns -> String
  char *ns() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self );

  %rename("ns=") set_ns( const char *nsuri );

   * set namespace of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns = String
  void set_ns( const char *ns ) {
    ws_xml_set_ns( $self, ns, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self) );

   * get prefix of nodes namespace
   * call-seq:
   *  node.prefix -> String
  const char *prefix() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self);

  %rename("lang=") set_lang(const char *lang);

   * set language
   * call-seq:
   *  node.lang = String
  void set_lang(const char *lang) {
    ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);

   * find node within tree
   * a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
   * call-seq:
   *  node.find("namespace", "name") -> XmlNode # recursive
   *  node.find("namespace", "name", 0) -> XmlNode # non-recursive
  WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
    return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
   * iterate over siblings
   * finds next sibling with same namespace and name
   * See also XmlNode#each
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * Example:
   *    <Foo>
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Other>...
   *      <Other>...
   *    </Foo>
   * node = root.Foo # points to <Foo> node
   *   bar = node.Bar
   *   while bar do
   *     bar =
   *   end
   * will give you four iterations (all <Bar> nodes)
   *   child = node.Bar
   *   while child do
   *     child =
   *   end
   * will give you six iterations (all children of <Foo>)
   * The latter example is equal to
   *   node.each do |child|
   *     ...
   *   end
  WsXmlNodeH next(int all = 0) {
    WsXmlNodeH next_node = xml_parser_get_next_child($self);
    if (next_node && !all) {
      const char *ns_uri = ws_xml_get_node_name_ns($self);
      const char *name = ws_xml_get_node_local_name($self);
      if (ws_xml_is_node_qname(next_node, ns_uri, name) == 0) {
        next_node = NULL;
    return next_node;
   * count node children
   * if name given, count children with this name
   * if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
  int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
   * add child (namespace, name, text) to node
  WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

dump_file(IO) → nil click to toggle source

dump node to file

void dump_file(FILE *fp) {
    ws_xml_dump_node_tree( fp, $self );

  %alias equal "==";
  %typemap(out) int equal
    "$result = ($1 != 0) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;";

  int equal( WsXmlNodeH n )

   * Test for identity (same object)
   * call-seq:
   *  XmlNode == XmlNode -> Boolean
  { return $self == n; }          
   * get text (without xml tags) of node
   * alias: to_s
   * call-seq:
   *  node.text() -> String
  char *text() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_text( $self );

  %rename( "text=" ) set_text( const char *text );

   * Set text of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.text = String
  void set_text( const char *text ) {
    ws_xml_set_node_text( $self, text );
   * get XmlDoc to which node belongs
   * call-seq:
   *  node.doc -> XmlDoc
  WsXmlDocH doc() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_doc( $self );
   * get parent for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.parent -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH parent() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_parent( $self );

  %alias child "first";

   * get first child of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.child -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH child() {
    return xml_parser_get_first_child($self);
   * get name for node
   * call-seq:
   * -> String
  char *name() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_local_name( $self );

  %rename("name=") set_name( const char *name);

   * set name of node
   * call-seq:
   * = String
  void set_name( const char *name ) {
    ws_xml_set_node_name( $self, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self ), name );
   * get namespace for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns -> String
  char *ns() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self );

  %rename("ns=") set_ns( const char *nsuri );

   * set namespace of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns = String
  void set_ns( const char *ns ) {
    ws_xml_set_ns( $self, ns, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self) );

   * get prefix of nodes namespace
   * call-seq:
   *  node.prefix -> String
  const char *prefix() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self);

  %rename("lang=") set_lang(const char *lang);

   * set language
   * call-seq:
   *  node.lang = String
  void set_lang(const char *lang) {
    ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);

   * find node within tree
   * a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
   * call-seq:
   *  node.find("namespace", "name") -> XmlNode # recursive
   *  node.find("namespace", "name", 0) -> XmlNode # non-recursive
  WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
    return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
   * iterate over siblings
   * finds next sibling with same namespace and name
   * See also XmlNode#each
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * Example:
   *    <Foo>
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Other>...
   *      <Other>...
   *    </Foo>
   * node = root.Foo # points to <Foo> node
   *   bar = node.Bar
   *   while bar do
   *     bar =
   *   end
   * will give you four iterations (all <Bar> nodes)
   *   child = node.Bar
   *   while child do
   *     child =
   *   end
   * will give you six iterations (all children of <Foo>)
   * The latter example is equal to
   *   node.each do |child|
   *     ...
   *   end
  WsXmlNodeH next(int all = 0) {
    WsXmlNodeH next_node = xml_parser_get_next_child($self);
    if (next_node && !all) {
      const char *ns_uri = ws_xml_get_node_name_ns($self);
      const char *name = ws_xml_get_node_local_name($self);
      if (ws_xml_is_node_qname(next_node, ns_uri, name) == 0) {
        next_node = NULL;
    return next_node;
   * count node children
   * if name given, count children with this name
   * if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
  int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
   * add child (namespace, name, text) to node
  WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... } click to toggle source

enumerate attributes

void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) → EndPointReference click to toggle source

get end point reference

epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

lang = String click to toggle source

set language

void set_lang(const char *lang) {
    ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);

   * find node within tree
   * a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
   * call-seq:
   *  node.find("namespace", "name") -> XmlNode # recursive
   *  node.find("namespace", "name", 0) -> XmlNode # non-recursive
  WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
    return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
   * iterate over siblings
   * finds next sibling with same namespace and name
   * See also XmlNode#each
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * Example:
   *    <Foo>
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Other>...
   *      <Other>...
   *    </Foo>
   * node = root.Foo # points to <Foo> node
   *   bar = node.Bar
   *   while bar do
   *     bar =
   *   end
   * will give you four iterations (all <Bar> nodes)
   *   child = node.Bar
   *   while child do
   *     child =
   *   end
   * will give you six iterations (all children of <Foo>)
   * The latter example is equal to
   *   node.each do |child|
   *     ...
   *   end
  WsXmlNodeH next(int all = 0) {
    WsXmlNodeH next_node = xml_parser_get_next_child($self);
    if (next_node && !all) {
      const char *ns_uri = ws_xml_get_node_name_ns($self);
      const char *name = ws_xml_get_node_local_name($self);
      if (ws_xml_is_node_qname(next_node, ns_uri, name) == 0) {
        next_node = NULL;
    return next_node;
   * count node children
   * if name given, count children with this name
   * if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
  int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
   * add child (namespace, name, text) to node
  WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

name → String click to toggle source

get name for node

char *name() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_local_name( $self );

  %rename("name=") set_name( const char *name);

   * set name of node
   * call-seq:
   * = String
  void set_name( const char *name ) {
    ws_xml_set_node_name( $self, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self ), name );
   * get namespace for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns -> String
  char *ns() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self );

  %rename("ns=") set_ns( const char *nsuri );

   * set namespace of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns = String
  void set_ns( const char *ns ) {
    ws_xml_set_ns( $self, ns, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self) );

   * get prefix of nodes namespace
   * call-seq:
   *  node.prefix -> String
  const char *prefix() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self);

  %rename("lang=") set_lang(const char *lang);

   * set language
   * call-seq:
   *  node.lang = String
  void set_lang(const char *lang) {
    ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);

   * find node within tree
   * a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
   * call-seq:
   *  node.find("namespace", "name") -> XmlNode # recursive
   *  node.find("namespace", "name", 0) -> XmlNode # non-recursive
  WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
    return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
   * iterate over siblings
   * finds next sibling with same namespace and name
   * See also XmlNode#each
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * Example:
   *    <Foo>
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Other>...
   *      <Other>...
   *    </Foo>
   * node = root.Foo # points to <Foo> node
   *   bar = node.Bar
   *   while bar do
   *     bar =
   *   end
   * will give you four iterations (all <Bar> nodes)
   *   child = node.Bar
   *   while child do
   *     child =
   *   end
   * will give you six iterations (all children of <Foo>)
   * The latter example is equal to
   *   node.each do |child|
   *     ...
   *   end
  WsXmlNodeH next(int all = 0) {
    WsXmlNodeH next_node = xml_parser_get_next_child($self);
    if (next_node && !all) {
      const char *ns_uri = ws_xml_get_node_name_ns($self);
      const char *name = ws_xml_get_node_local_name($self);
      if (ws_xml_is_node_qname(next_node, ns_uri, name) == 0) {
        next_node = NULL;
    return next_node;
   * count node children
   * if name given, count children with this name
   * if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
  int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
   * add child (namespace, name, text) to node
  WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

name = String click to toggle source

set name of node

void set_name( const char *name ) {
    ws_xml_set_node_name( $self, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self ), name );
   * get namespace for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns -> String
  char *ns() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self );

  %rename("ns=") set_ns( const char *nsuri );

   * set namespace of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns = String
  void set_ns( const char *ns ) {
    ws_xml_set_ns( $self, ns, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self) );

   * get prefix of nodes namespace
   * call-seq:
   *  node.prefix -> String
  const char *prefix() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self);

  %rename("lang=") set_lang(const char *lang);

   * set language
   * call-seq:
   *  node.lang = String
  void set_lang(const char *lang) {
    ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);

   * find node within tree
   * a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
   * call-seq:
   *  node.find("namespace", "name") -> XmlNode # recursive
   *  node.find("namespace", "name", 0) -> XmlNode # non-recursive
  WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
    return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
   * iterate over siblings
   * finds next sibling with same namespace and name
   * See also XmlNode#each
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * Example:
   *    <Foo>
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Other>...
   *      <Other>...
   *    </Foo>
   * node = root.Foo # points to <Foo> node
   *   bar = node.Bar
   *   while bar do
   *     bar =
   *   end
   * will give you four iterations (all <Bar> nodes)
   *   child = node.Bar
   *   while child do
   *     child =
   *   end
   * will give you six iterations (all children of <Foo>)
   * The latter example is equal to
   *   node.each do |child|
   *     ...
   *   end
  WsXmlNodeH next(int all = 0) {
    WsXmlNodeH next_node = xml_parser_get_next_child($self);
    if (next_node && !all) {
      const char *ns_uri = ws_xml_get_node_name_ns($self);
      const char *name = ws_xml_get_node_local_name($self);
      if (ws_xml_is_node_qname(next_node, ns_uri, name) == 0) {
        next_node = NULL;
    return next_node;
   * count node children
   * if name given, count children with this name
   * if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
  int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
   * add child (namespace, name, text) to node
  WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

ns → String click to toggle source

get namespace for node

char *ns() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self );

  %rename("ns=") set_ns( const char *nsuri );

   * set namespace of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns = String
  void set_ns( const char *ns ) {
    ws_xml_set_ns( $self, ns, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self) );

   * get prefix of nodes namespace
   * call-seq:
   *  node.prefix -> String
  const char *prefix() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self);

  %rename("lang=") set_lang(const char *lang);

   * set language
   * call-seq:
   *  node.lang = String
  void set_lang(const char *lang) {
    ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);

   * find node within tree
   * a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
   * call-seq:
   *  node.find("namespace", "name") -> XmlNode # recursive
   *  node.find("namespace", "name", 0) -> XmlNode # non-recursive
  WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
    return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
   * iterate over siblings
   * finds next sibling with same namespace and name
   * See also XmlNode#each
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * Example:
   *    <Foo>
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Other>...
   *      <Other>...
   *    </Foo>
   * node = root.Foo # points to <Foo> node
   *   bar = node.Bar
   *   while bar do
   *     bar =
   *   end
   * will give you four iterations (all <Bar> nodes)
   *   child = node.Bar
   *   while child do
   *     child =
   *   end
   * will give you six iterations (all children of <Foo>)
   * The latter example is equal to
   *   node.each do |child|
   *     ...
   *   end
  WsXmlNodeH next(int all = 0) {
    WsXmlNodeH next_node = xml_parser_get_next_child($self);
    if (next_node && !all) {
      const char *ns_uri = ws_xml_get_node_name_ns($self);
      const char *name = ws_xml_get_node_local_name($self);
      if (ws_xml_is_node_qname(next_node, ns_uri, name) == 0) {
        next_node = NULL;
    return next_node;
   * count node children
   * if name given, count children with this name
   * if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
  int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
   * add child (namespace, name, text) to node
  WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

ns = String click to toggle source

set namespace of node

void set_ns( const char *ns ) {
    ws_xml_set_ns( $self, ns, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self) );

   * get prefix of nodes namespace
   * call-seq:
   *  node.prefix -> String
  const char *prefix() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self);

  %rename("lang=") set_lang(const char *lang);

   * set language
   * call-seq:
   *  node.lang = String
  void set_lang(const char *lang) {
    ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);

   * find node within tree
   * a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
   * call-seq:
   *  node.find("namespace", "name") -> XmlNode # recursive
   *  node.find("namespace", "name", 0) -> XmlNode # non-recursive
  WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
    return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
   * iterate over siblings
   * finds next sibling with same namespace and name
   * See also XmlNode#each
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * Example:
   *    <Foo>
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Other>...
   *      <Other>...
   *    </Foo>
   * node = root.Foo # points to <Foo> node
   *   bar = node.Bar
   *   while bar do
   *     bar =
   *   end
   * will give you four iterations (all <Bar> nodes)
   *   child = node.Bar
   *   while child do
   *     child =
   *   end
   * will give you six iterations (all children of <Foo>)
   * The latter example is equal to
   *   node.each do |child|
   *     ...
   *   end
  WsXmlNodeH next(int all = 0) {
    WsXmlNodeH next_node = xml_parser_get_next_child($self);
    if (next_node && !all) {
      const char *ns_uri = ws_xml_get_node_name_ns($self);
      const char *name = ws_xml_get_node_local_name($self);
      if (ws_xml_is_node_qname(next_node, ns_uri, name) == 0) {
        next_node = NULL;
    return next_node;
   * count node children
   * if name given, count children with this name
   * if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
  int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
   * add child (namespace, name, text) to node
  WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

parent → XmlNode click to toggle source

get parent for node

WsXmlNodeH parent() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_parent( $self );

  %alias child "first";

   * get first child of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.child -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH child() {
    return xml_parser_get_first_child($self);
   * get name for node
   * call-seq:
   * -> String
  char *name() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_local_name( $self );

  %rename("name=") set_name( const char *name);

   * set name of node
   * call-seq:
   * = String
  void set_name( const char *name ) {
    ws_xml_set_node_name( $self, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self ), name );
   * get namespace for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns -> String
  char *ns() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self );

  %rename("ns=") set_ns( const char *nsuri );

   * set namespace of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns = String
  void set_ns( const char *ns ) {
    ws_xml_set_ns( $self, ns, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self) );

   * get prefix of nodes namespace
   * call-seq:
   *  node.prefix -> String
  const char *prefix() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self);

  %rename("lang=") set_lang(const char *lang);

   * set language
   * call-seq:
   *  node.lang = String
  void set_lang(const char *lang) {
    ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);

   * find node within tree
   * a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
   * call-seq:
   *  node.find("namespace", "name") -> XmlNode # recursive
   *  node.find("namespace", "name", 0) -> XmlNode # non-recursive
  WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
    return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
   * iterate over siblings
   * finds next sibling with same namespace and name
   * See also XmlNode#each
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * Example:
   *    <Foo>
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Other>...
   *      <Other>...
   *    </Foo>
   * node = root.Foo # points to <Foo> node
   *   bar = node.Bar
   *   while bar do
   *     bar =
   *   end
   * will give you four iterations (all <Bar> nodes)
   *   child = node.Bar
   *   while child do
   *     child =
   *   end
   * will give you six iterations (all children of <Foo>)
   * The latter example is equal to
   *   node.each do |child|
   *     ...
   *   end
  WsXmlNodeH next(int all = 0) {
    WsXmlNodeH next_node = xml_parser_get_next_child($self);
    if (next_node && !all) {
      const char *ns_uri = ws_xml_get_node_name_ns($self);
      const char *name = ws_xml_get_node_local_name($self);
      if (ws_xml_is_node_qname(next_node, ns_uri, name) == 0) {
        next_node = NULL;
    return next_node;
   * count node children
   * if name given, count children with this name
   * if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
  int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
   * add child (namespace, name, text) to node
  WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

prefix → String click to toggle source

get prefix of nodes namespace

const char *prefix() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self);

  %rename("lang=") set_lang(const char *lang);

   * set language
   * call-seq:
   *  node.lang = String
  void set_lang(const char *lang) {
    ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);

   * find node within tree
   * a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
   * call-seq:
   *  node.find("namespace", "name") -> XmlNode # recursive
   *  node.find("namespace", "name", 0) -> XmlNode # non-recursive
  WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
    return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
   * iterate over siblings
   * finds next sibling with same namespace and name
   * See also XmlNode#each
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * Example:
   *    <Foo>
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Other>...
   *      <Other>...
   *    </Foo>
   * node = root.Foo # points to <Foo> node
   *   bar = node.Bar
   *   while bar do
   *     bar =
   *   end
   * will give you four iterations (all <Bar> nodes)
   *   child = node.Bar
   *   while child do
   *     child =
   *   end
   * will give you six iterations (all children of <Foo>)
   * The latter example is equal to
   *   node.each do |child|
   *     ...
   *   end
  WsXmlNodeH next(int all = 0) {
    WsXmlNodeH next_node = xml_parser_get_next_child($self);
    if (next_node && !all) {
      const char *ns_uri = ws_xml_get_node_name_ns($self);
      const char *name = ws_xml_get_node_local_name($self);
      if (ws_xml_is_node_qname(next_node, ns_uri, name) == 0) {
        next_node = NULL;
    return next_node;
   * count node children
   * if name given, count children with this name
   * if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
  int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
   * add child (namespace, name, text) to node
  WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

string(XmlNode) → String click to toggle source

dump node as XML string

alias: to_xml

char *string() {
    int size;
    char *buf;
    ws_xml_dump_memory_node_tree( $self, &buf, &size );
    return buf;
   * dump node to file
   * call-seq:
   *  node.dump_file(IO) -> nil
  void dump_file(FILE *fp) {
    ws_xml_dump_node_tree( fp, $self );

  %alias equal "==";
  %typemap(out) int equal
    "$result = ($1 != 0) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;";

  int equal( WsXmlNodeH n )

   * Test for identity (same object)
   * call-seq:
   *  XmlNode == XmlNode -> Boolean
  { return $self == n; }          
   * get text (without xml tags) of node
   * alias: to_s
   * call-seq:
   *  node.text() -> String
  char *text() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_text( $self );

  %rename( "text=" ) set_text( const char *text );

   * Set text of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.text = String
  void set_text( const char *text ) {
    ws_xml_set_node_text( $self, text );
   * get XmlDoc to which node belongs
   * call-seq:
   *  node.doc -> XmlDoc
  WsXmlDocH doc() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_doc( $self );
   * get parent for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.parent -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH parent() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_parent( $self );

  %alias child "first";

   * get first child of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.child -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH child() {
    return xml_parser_get_first_child($self);
   * get name for node
   * call-seq:
   * -> String
  char *name() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_local_name( $self );

  %rename("name=") set_name( const char *name);

   * set name of node
   * call-seq:
   * = String
  void set_name( const char *name ) {
    ws_xml_set_node_name( $self, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self ), name );
   * get namespace for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns -> String
  char *ns() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self );

  %rename("ns=") set_ns( const char *nsuri );

   * set namespace of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns = String
  void set_ns( const char *ns ) {
    ws_xml_set_ns( $self, ns, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self) );

   * get prefix of nodes namespace
   * call-seq:
   *  node.prefix -> String
  const char *prefix() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self);

  %rename("lang=") set_lang(const char *lang);

   * set language
   * call-seq:
   *  node.lang = String
  void set_lang(const char *lang) {
    ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);

   * find node within tree
   * a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
   * call-seq:
   *  node.find("namespace", "name") -> XmlNode # recursive
   *  node.find("namespace", "name", 0) -> XmlNode # non-recursive
  WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
    return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
   * iterate over siblings
   * finds next sibling with same namespace and name
   * See also XmlNode#each
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * Example:
   *    <Foo>
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Other>...
   *      <Other>...
   *    </Foo>
   * node = root.Foo # points to <Foo> node
   *   bar = node.Bar
   *   while bar do
   *     bar =
   *   end
   * will give you four iterations (all <Bar> nodes)
   *   child = node.Bar
   *   while child do
   *     child =
   *   end
   * will give you six iterations (all children of <Foo>)
   * The latter example is equal to
   *   node.each do |child|
   *     ...
   *   end
  WsXmlNodeH next(int all = 0) {
    WsXmlNodeH next_node = xml_parser_get_next_child($self);
    if (next_node && !all) {
      const char *ns_uri = ws_xml_get_node_name_ns($self);
      const char *name = ws_xml_get_node_local_name($self);
      if (ws_xml_is_node_qname(next_node, ns_uri, name) == 0) {
        next_node = NULL;
    return next_node;
   * count node children
   * if name given, count children with this name
   * if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
  int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
   * add child (namespace, name, text) to node
  WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

text() → String click to toggle source

get text (without xml tags) of node

alias: to_s

char *text() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_text( $self );

  %rename( "text=" ) set_text( const char *text );

   * Set text of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.text = String
  void set_text( const char *text ) {
    ws_xml_set_node_text( $self, text );
   * get XmlDoc to which node belongs
   * call-seq:
   *  node.doc -> XmlDoc
  WsXmlDocH doc() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_doc( $self );
   * get parent for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.parent -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH parent() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_parent( $self );

  %alias child "first";

   * get first child of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.child -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH child() {
    return xml_parser_get_first_child($self);
   * get name for node
   * call-seq:
   * -> String
  char *name() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_local_name( $self );

  %rename("name=") set_name( const char *name);

   * set name of node
   * call-seq:
   * = String
  void set_name( const char *name ) {
    ws_xml_set_node_name( $self, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self ), name );
   * get namespace for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns -> String
  char *ns() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self );

  %rename("ns=") set_ns( const char *nsuri );

   * set namespace of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns = String
  void set_ns( const char *ns ) {
    ws_xml_set_ns( $self, ns, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self) );

   * get prefix of nodes namespace
   * call-seq:
   *  node.prefix -> String
  const char *prefix() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self);

  %rename("lang=") set_lang(const char *lang);

   * set language
   * call-seq:
   *  node.lang = String
  void set_lang(const char *lang) {
    ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);

   * find node within tree
   * a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
   * call-seq:
   *  node.find("namespace", "name") -> XmlNode # recursive
   *  node.find("namespace", "name", 0) -> XmlNode # non-recursive
  WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
    return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
   * iterate over siblings
   * finds next sibling with same namespace and name
   * See also XmlNode#each
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * Example:
   *    <Foo>
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Other>...
   *      <Other>...
   *    </Foo>
   * node = root.Foo # points to <Foo> node
   *   bar = node.Bar
   *   while bar do
   *     bar =
   *   end
   * will give you four iterations (all <Bar> nodes)
   *   child = node.Bar
   *   while child do
   *     child =
   *   end
   * will give you six iterations (all children of <Foo>)
   * The latter example is equal to
   *   node.each do |child|
   *     ...
   *   end
  WsXmlNodeH next(int all = 0) {
    WsXmlNodeH next_node = xml_parser_get_next_child($self);
    if (next_node && !all) {
      const char *ns_uri = ws_xml_get_node_name_ns($self);
      const char *name = ws_xml_get_node_local_name($self);
      if (ws_xml_is_node_qname(next_node, ns_uri, name) == 0) {
        next_node = NULL;
    return next_node;
   * count node children
   * if name given, count children with this name
   * if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
  int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
   * add child (namespace, name, text) to node
  WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));

text = String click to toggle source

Set text of node

void set_text( const char *text ) {
    ws_xml_set_node_text( $self, text );
   * get XmlDoc to which node belongs
   * call-seq:
   *  node.doc -> XmlDoc
  WsXmlDocH doc() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_doc( $self );
   * get parent for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.parent -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH parent() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_parent( $self );

  %alias child "first";

   * get first child of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.child -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH child() {
    return xml_parser_get_first_child($self);
   * get name for node
   * call-seq:
   * -> String
  char *name() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_local_name( $self );

  %rename("name=") set_name( const char *name);

   * set name of node
   * call-seq:
   * = String
  void set_name( const char *name ) {
    ws_xml_set_node_name( $self, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self ), name );
   * get namespace for node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns -> String
  char *ns() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self );

  %rename("ns=") set_ns( const char *nsuri );

   * set namespace of node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.ns = String
  void set_ns( const char *ns ) {
    ws_xml_set_ns( $self, ns, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self) );

   * get prefix of nodes namespace
   * call-seq:
   *  node.prefix -> String
  const char *prefix() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self);

  %rename("lang=") set_lang(const char *lang);

   * set language
   * call-seq:
   *  node.lang = String
  void set_lang(const char *lang) {
    ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);

   * find node within tree
   * a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
   * call-seq:
   *  node.find("namespace", "name") -> XmlNode # recursive
   *  node.find("namespace", "name", 0) -> XmlNode # non-recursive
  WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
    return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
   * iterate over siblings
   * finds next sibling with same namespace and name
   * See also XmlNode#each
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * Example:
   *    <Foo>
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Bar>...
   *      <Other>...
   *      <Other>...
   *    </Foo>
   * node = root.Foo # points to <Foo> node
   *   bar = node.Bar
   *   while bar do
   *     bar =
   *   end
   * will give you four iterations (all <Bar> nodes)
   *   child = node.Bar
   *   while child do
   *     child =
   *   end
   * will give you six iterations (all children of <Foo>)
   * The latter example is equal to
   *   node.each do |child|
   *     ...
   *   end
  WsXmlNodeH next(int all = 0) {
    WsXmlNodeH next_node = xml_parser_get_next_child($self);
    if (next_node && !all) {
      const char *ns_uri = ws_xml_get_node_name_ns($self);
      const char *name = ws_xml_get_node_local_name($self);
      if (ws_xml_is_node_qname(next_node, ns_uri, name) == 0) {
        next_node = NULL;
    return next_node;
   * count node children
   * if name given, count children with this name
   * if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
  int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
   * add child (namespace, name, text) to node
  WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );

   * add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
  WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
    return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );

  %alias add "<<";

   * add node as child
  WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
    ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
    return $self;

   * iterate over children
   * See also XmlNode#next
   * XmlNode#each iterates over children, XmlNode#next over siblings
   * can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
   * for array-like constructs, e.g
   *  <Parent>
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <Child>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *    <OtherChild>..
   *   doc.Parent.each do |child|
   *     ... iterates over all 6 children ...
   *   end
   * use XmlNode#next as in
   *   node = doc.OtherChild
   *   while node do
   *     ... do something with node ...
   *    node =
   *   end
   * call-seq:
   *  node.each { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name") { |XmlNode| ... }
   *  node.each("name", "namespace") { |XmlNode| ... }

  void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    int i = 0;
    WsXmlNodeH node = $self;
    int count = ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( node, ns, name );
    while ( i < count ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child(node, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));

  %alias get "[]";

   * get child by index
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get(42) -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get(42, "name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
      return NULL;
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
   * get first child by name (and namespace)
   * call-seq:
   *  node.get("name") -> XmlNode
   *  node.get("name", "namespace") -> XmlNode
  WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
    return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);

   * get node attribute by index or name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr(1) -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name") -> XmlAttr
   *  node.attr("name", "namespace") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr(VALUE index = Qnil, VALUE namespace = Qnil) {
    if (NIL_P(index)) { /* nil */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, 0 );
    } else if (FIXNUM_P(index)) { /* numeric */
      return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, FIX2INT(index) );      
    } else { /* convert to string */
      const char *ns = NULL;
      const char *name = as_string(index);
      if (!NIL_P(namespace)) {
        ns = as_string(namespace);
      return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );

   * count node attribute
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_count -> Integer
  int attr_count() {
    return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
   * find node attribute by name
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_find("namespace", "name") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
    return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
   * add attribute to node
   * call-seq:
   *  node.attr_add("namespace", "name", "value") -> XmlAttr
  WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
    return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
   * get end point reference
   * call-seq:
   *  node.epr("namespace", "epr_node_name", Integer embedded) -> EndPointReference
  epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
    return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);

   * enumerate attributes
   * call-seq:
   *   node.each_attr { |XmlAttr| ... }
  void each_attr() {
    int i = 0;
    while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
      rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));
